Umm Kulthum Museum متحف ام كلثوم

Saturday Feb 9 2019
  Same place right beside Nilometer and Manasterly Palace you can find Umm Kulhtum Museum.
I'm not a big fan of her, actually I don' listen to her at all, but I started to change my mind and decided to start doing that, specially after what I knew about her from this visit to her museum. We watched a great video about her and how amazing she was. her childhood and life. what she did to Egypt during the war. How the best composers and writers were competing to give her the best songs. The museum of course has a lot of her photos

Her elegant dresses
Kids enjoying her songs for the first time

Umm Kulthum official website and info about her museum  موقع ام كلثوم و معلومات عن متحفها
Umm Kulthum on Wikipedia
جنب مقياس النيل و قصر المانسترلي
دخلنا متحف ام كلثوم
شفنا فساتينها التحفة و نضارتها و منديلها و صور كتير ليها و اتفرجنا على فيلم قصير لها اتعلمنا منه قد ايه كانت جميلة و وطنية و بتساعد الناس و قد ايه الناس بتحبها و شفنا مشاهد مهيبة من جنازتها و سمعنا مقاطع من احلى اغانيها
جولة مع متحف متحف ام كلثوم

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